Annual Spring Concert 2012 - Respect & Responsibility
On Thursday, May 24, 2012, Fakhir Mergasori International School held a concert at "Peshawa Hall". Student artwork captured guests' attention as they arrived at the event. The artwork included a range of pieces from flower pots to cartoon figures to plates of fruit!
After the art reception, the concert began with the 5th grade singing the Kurdish anthem. Next, the FMIS School Director gave a short speech about how to act with respect and responsibility. This speech was followed by speeches by the SLO® Head, SLC, Deputy Head of SLO®, and the HODs', all of whom said a few words about their jobs. Next were songs from each class. The concert ended with the 4th-5th grades and the staff dancing a Kurdish dance!
Using music as a medium, this concert helped everyone in attendance remember the importance of being respectful and responsible.